Featured Products Widget
Featured Products is an extremely flexible widget that lets you showcase top products of your store in an eye-catching and responsive sliding gallery or grid. With this widget, you can display any number of products from all catalog, specific categories or a list of products of your choice. Add unlimited Featured Products blocks to any CMS page or static block and filter your products using 6 presets.
There’s no better and more convenient way to recommend your customers the latest bestsellers, new releases or any other group of products anywhere you want than with Alvatheme’s Featured Products widget.
Featured Products
- Fuel System
- Tensioners / Rollers / Bearings
- Catalytic Converters
- Fuel System
- Tensioners / Rollers / Bearings
- Catalytic Converters
Featured (Grid Style)
- Mufflers
- Lines
- Throttle Bodies
- Mufflers
- Lines
- Throttle Bodies